Sunday, December 22, 2013

Pendekar Bujang Lapok

well, i felt like a pendekar bujang lapok just now... while doing squats, my boxers made a loud ripping noise.. 

anyway, i started reading The Perks of being a Wallflower. i didn't expect myself to really enjoy it to be honest. i'm halfway through already. i guess i always enjoy stories from a person's perspective. i like to know what goes on in the narrator's mind when they do things. i really don't mind story wise whether it ends happily or not. it's a good story if i can somehow "understand" why the main character does the thing he/she do and what compels him/her to do so.

stories that i enjoy are 500 days of summer (movie), warm bodies (movie), hunger games trilogy (audiobook, it was told fully from katniss' perspective)

one thing i learn, i'm not the kind that will tell my children stories of what i did when i was young. my dad doesnt tell me the things he did when he was younger either. it kinda shapes the experiences i seek now. i just don't go for the things that can be turned into stories for other people. i just do things to experience them for myself.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Went to the bank to unblock my AlumNUS debit card, after which went to the bike shop to pay installment and also changed the air filter (finally, after 21 months).

Met up with the NUS Silat people, got to know some of the juniors and we ate at Tong Seng for lunch. They're closing soon in October.

Afterwards we sat at J Co and lepak a bit. Talked about what is "romantic"?. Lol.

Separated afterwards and continued lepaking with the girls who had madrasah later at Bedok Point, Starbucks.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

IKEA part Deux

Look at the ridiculous things I bought at IKEA! Mum told me to buy new pillow, so I buy lor. After that my budget burst. Lol, but it's probably the thing that I really need. I also bought ten boxes to help declutter.

Ate the 50 cents ice cream!

And these dust-bins reminds me of the ones that they use in wrestling.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Went to IKEA after work. The musollah is so nice, clean and peaceful. Very good place to pray. Ate dinner after that. Should have gotten the 10pc meatballs instead. I succumbed to my hunger and ordered the pasta with (5) meatballs. It did came with a free lingonberry drink though.

Getting this $1.20 box was my intention. Wanted 20 pcs of this to help with de-cluttering my room. However, they sell it in the form of flat cardboxes. How do I bring it home? I rode a bike there too after work. I'm going there again to get it, most probably with a car.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Listened to Get Organized, The Clear & SIMPLE Way audiobook and it made me want to go to IKEA to buy those cheap boxes ($1.20) to sort the clutter in my room. At home, the nieces kept bugging me to download the latest episode of running man so I downloaded it and watched it together. Didn't go to Ikea. 

Although I stopped using weights before this and wanted to do pure callisthenics, it's just not convenient enough for me. I've to go down and cross the street to use the pull-up bar at the fitness park. I started using weights again for a month I think. I reckon I'll be even more skinnier if I didn't use weights.

I weighed myself after working out and the scale says I'm 55.1kg with 13.8% body fat. BMI is 19.9 (my height is 166cm). At least my waist hasn't become bonchet yet.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Unproductive Day

Tought today's going to be a lepak and unproductive day. Lied down till noon, played hours of DC Universe Online just to try it and slept again in the afternoon. Wanted to watch The Ultimate Fighter on dailymotion but somehow it got stuck after 10 mins.

So I ended up finishing the Michael Linenberger's Master Your Workday Now and proceeded to download the following audiobooks I hope that I can listen to at work.

And then I proceeded to run after Maghrib. Refuelled my bike and pump the tyres just before that. I was really out of breath after each zombie chase (sprints). Not so fit after all.

After that, I actually fix the headlight of my bike.

So I thought today was gonna be my lepak and unproductive day. I was wrong.